Miscellaneous Programs

This is a list of all the random small programs that I've made. Most of them can be found on my GitHub.

MIDI Instruments
MIDI Instruments

Released - 07/05/23

I created this program after fiddling around with MIDI files (for another project) and being dissatisfied that there wasn't an easy bit of software that you could use to change the instrument of a MIDI file without importing it into a complicated DAW. I then learnt how to edit the instruments manually using a hex editor, then I decided to make a much easier to use program.
It's a simple python command line utility, as I didn't want to spend too much time writing it, but it definitely does its intended job well!

GitHub Repo

No More Titles

Released - 01/08/23

This is just a little program that creates an image similar to the title cards of No More Jockeys. I made it over a few days when I didn't have much else to do. It's not perfectly accurate, but I think it looks close enough, and it was very nice to make!

GitHub Repo

This Number Does Not Exist

Released - 22/09/23

In essence, this app is a random number generator. But the random numbers that it generates are UK phone numbers that are guaranteed to never connect, which is very useful if you need to give out a fake number. I always make a clone of this idea when learning basic GUI in a new language, and this incarnation of the program was a test for making one in Rust!

GitHub Repo